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Introduction to the Crystal Clear ESL platform – a tutorial
A quick tutorial on how to use the Crystal Clear ESL platform for freelance online English language teaching. This video gives a basic introduction to features of the Crystal Clear ESL website: www.esl-curriculum.com as well as of the subscription plans. Using Zoom, or your favourite video hosting platform, share your choice of full screen views,…
SNEAK PEEK: I am busy creating Level TWO content to add here at Crystal Clear ESL! This pre-A1 CEFR unit will consist of 96 step-by-step lessons ideally suited to delivery over your favourite online classroom platform. Target speaking, listening, reading and writing through clean, colourful slides full of fun! Lessons follow the PPP teaching model…

Who is this website for?
I’m not recruiting students. I’m not hiring teachers. There is no MLM here, no contract, no limits. Just beautiful, professional, purpose-built online ESL curriculum resources at your fingertips. If you’re an online ESL teacher, either freelance or aspiring to go solo, have a look at what is available at Crystal Clear ESL: www.esl-curriculum.com . There…

Level TWO Launch
Are you a freelance ESL teacher looking to maximise your income by minimising your planning time? I can help! I have just launched my Level 2 resources: 48 lessons perfect for your pre-A1 students! Try for FREE: www.esl-curriculum.com At Crystal Clear ESL I provide purpose-built online lesson material for you to deliver to your students…

Level THREE Launch
48 content-rich, step-by-step lessons at A1 level (CEFR) available NOW!!! Deliver professional, purpose built, field-tested lessons to your ESL students via your favourite virtual classroom platform. Target a range of learning styles, and all four language acquisition skills in these dynamic lessons. Try the range for FREE to ensure it’s the BEST fit for your…